Vision: We seek to enter into relationship and solidarity with those most vulnerable in our world: the poor, the neglected, the elderly, unborn babies, anyone in need.  Jesus identifies himself with those in need, with the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and those in prison.  “As you did it to one of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40).   Pope Benedict says, “Love of God and love of neighbour have become one: in the least of the brethren we find Jesus himself” (God is love #15).

Purpose: The marginalized need a voice, thus we seek to create awareness of those most in need in our community and beyond.  The Coady/Tompkins Lenten Lecture Series will provide education on the Catholic principles of social justice as grounded in the dignity of the human person.  Awareness and education are an essential component for identifying and then offering meaningful assistance.  In each of our churches a donation box for the poor is front and center, as a central tenet of our faith is the preferential option for the poor.  In our religious education classes, the value of the poor is taught.  A moral litmus test for any society is how do we treat the most vulnerable, hence our parish communities seek to offer tangible and concrete aid to those in our area and beyond.

St. Joseph’s:

  • Norman Gillis
  • Joan Mac Lellan
  • Marie MacNeil

St. Michael’s:

  • Anne Marie Leblanc
  • Hubert Chiasson
  • Elaine Leblanc
  • Margaret Burton

St. Patrick’s:

  • Jack Miller
  • Mose Fortune
  • Raylene Murphy
  • Stella McDaniel

If you would like more information about this Ministry; or, would like to volunteer services – please contact us using the following link: contact us