Parish Pastoral Council

The first Pastoral Council with joint membership was started in 2004 with four members from each of the three parishes.

To deal with the spiritual and temporal needs of the three parishes; to assist the pastor, to coordinate activities within the three parishes.   Later on, youth joined the council, and there were five members from each parish.

The Council today has three members from each parish.

St. Joseph’s –
Lawrence MacLellan (Chair), Donald Angus Gillis, Mary MacNeil (Sec’y.);

St. Michael’s –
Mary Louise Burns, Lorna Chiasson, John Gillis (vice-chair);

St. Patrick’s –

Mose Fortune, Alfred Gallant, Hilda Murphy-Phillips

If you would like more information about this Ministry; or, would like to volunteer services – please contact us using the following link: contact us