Vision: to provide a place that reflects Catholic faith, builds up the Spirit of God in people and supports the children and youth
Purpose: to maintain clean, efficient and functional parish halls where our vision can be put into effect
List of tasks for the ministry for the year:
- meetings,
- Family Faith sessions on Wednesday evenings,
- alternating in the three halls;
- pot lucks,
- pancake lunch and supper (Shrove Tuesday),
- concerts,
- wedding dinners and dances,
- bake sales,
- craft shows,
- funeral visitations and receptions,
- walking in the winter,
- dances,
- dinners,
- flea markets,
- barbecues,
- fall fairs,
- fun days for families,
- crib games
Volunteers who serve this ministry:
Lawrence MacLellan (chair, St. Joseph’s Hall Committee) 248-2180
Cathy Miller (sec’y. – treas. of St. Joseph’s Hall Committee) 248-2498
Audrey LeBlanc (chair of St. Michael’s Hall Committee) 2365-2744
Josephine LeFort (sec’y.- treas. St. Michael’s Hall committee) 235-2843
Kempton Poirier (janitor and booker of St. Michael’s Hall) 235-2937
Jim Murphy (chair of St. Patrick’s Hall Committee) 248-2221
Cecile Miller (bookkeeper for St. Patrick’s Parish Hall) 248-2305
Schedule of Meetings: 2-3 meetings per year (one in the fall, one in the spring and one when necessary)
If you would kike more information about this Ministry; or, would like to volunteer services – please contact us using the following link: contact us
Looking to book a hall?
Call: Lawrence MacLellan (St. Joseph’s) – 248-2180; Kempton Poirier (St. Michael’s) – 235-2937 or Jim Murphy – (St. Patrick’s) – 248-222