Candidates for the Sacrament:

  1. Register at the Ice cream social
  2. Each candidate for the sacrament will receive a confirmation booklet                     
  3. Attend Sunday Mass 
  4. Family Faith Religion 
  5. Inscription ceremony at your parish
  6. Perform ten service hours in your parish and community
  7. Confirmation Youth Retreat
  8. Write letter to our Bishop asking why you want to be confirmed.
  9.  Meeting with parents and sponsors
  10.  Confirmation  with Bishop Dunn

Examples of Service Hour Options (5 hours in parish and 5 in community):

  • Catechist partnership  =  Assisting the adult catechists at the Family Faith Religion nights.
  • Catechist partnership for helping children make their service towels, bread making, role plays at FF etc.
  • Serving at Parish events e.g. Valentine’s dinner for couples, seniors, AGM parish supper etc.
  • Participation in a parish ministry such as: reader, server, hospitality/greeter, music minister etc.
  • Senior’s visitation and Christmas carols etc.

Candidates may download the Service Hours Completion Form at this Link:  Confirmation Service Hours