Ministries within the Margaree Family of Catholic Churches are filled by members of our community churches working together in four areas: Liturgy, Committees , Organizations, Outreach.

 You are invited to contact us if you would like to discuss belonging or participating in any of these areas.

The diocese has established a Protocol for Safe Ministry directed at enhancing the well-being and safety of all who participate in the Church’s programs and services.

Parish Pastoral Council: Chair – Lawrence MacLellaa; Vice-chair – John Gillis; secretary – Mary MacNeil; Other members: Mary Louise Burns, Mose Fortune, Alfred Gallant, Lorna Chiasson, Donald Angus Gillis and Hilda Murphy-Phillips

Building & Maintenance Committee: St. Joseph’s – Contact person Joey MacKinnon, Alex MacNeil and Jerald Miller; St. Michael’s – Contact Person Dennis Doucet, Cyril LeBlanc and Emile LeBlanc; St. Patrick’s – Contact person Tom Godreau, John McBride and Jack Miller

Finance Committee: Chair – Cathy Miller,  Paula Cormier, Aurea Gillis, Joan MacLellan, Marie MacNeil, Stella McDaniel, Cecile Miller, Hubert Chiasson and Michael Gillis.

Bereavement Committee:  Sheila Fortune, Rosita Gillis, Kay Hannigan, Odette LeBlanc, Dorothy Mackenzie, Marie MacNeil, Mary MacNeil, Helena Chiasson, Elaine LeBlanc, John McBride, Cindy McBride and Cecile Miller